The aim of the HOLISCINT project is the development of innovative algorithms for the creation of a X-gamma radiation scintillation detector based on a original and revolutionary concept detector.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission thanks to the regional funding: “R&S delle PMI del Lazio di cui al POR FESR Lazio 2007-2013, Asse 1, attività 1, CUP F88C14000400007”.
Conventional X-gamma detectors can be divided into two main categories:
- Spectrometry detectors: they have high detection efficiency thanks due to their big size. Their aim is to identify the radioisotopes generating the radiation field. They are composed by big size cylindrical scintillation crystals and no position-sensitive photodetectors.
- Imaging detectors: they have high detection efficiency thanks due to their big size. Their aim is to identify the radioisotopes generating the radiation field. They are composed by big size cylindrical scintillation crystals and no position-sensitive photodetectors.

The innovative idea of the project is to couple the high efficiency and ability to identification of the isotopes of a scintillation crystal for spectrometry to the imaging capabilities of a position-sensitive photodetectors.
From this coupling, it is possible to obtain a holistic combination in which the new detector allows more informations than the separated conventional ones.
The new detector, thanks to the innovative algorithms, allows:
- To make a polar map of the radiation field and to identify, with good accuracy, the direction from which the radiation comes.
- To improve the detectability of a low activity source in the natural background radiation field by means of the selection of a specific Region-of-Interest (RoI) of the radiation field.
- To obtain multiple spectrometries of the radiation field, useful for highlighting additional features of the radiation field.